May: Mental Health Awareness Month

Madison Villarba, Staff Writer

In this time of quarantine, it’s very important to take care of our mental health in addition to our physical health. Mental health has to do with our emotional and psychological well-being. Our mental health includes dealing with stress, decision making, and building our relationships with others. Being healthy mentally can also make us more productive and improve our performance in school.

In the United States, the month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It is celebrated in order to educate people about mental health and advocate for and support those suffering from mental illnesses. It is celebrated in a variety of ways, including posts in the media, local events, and screenings.

During this time, staying healthy mentally is just as important as staying healthy physically. There are many ways that you can improve your mental health at home. Some are listed below:

  1. Take a break from work

Now that most of our work is done on our computers, it’s important to find time to step away from technology. Not only is taking a break better for health, but it can also help lessen stress, make us think clearer, and make decisions easier.

  1. Exercise

Exercise can help improve mental health in many ways. It can alleviate stress and reduce depression and anxiety.

  1. Do something you enjoy

Doing something you enjoy is always a good way of lessening stress and making yourself happier. There are many things you can do such as reading, drawing, listening to music, or watching your favorite movie or TV show.

  1. Say positive things

Our mindset can often have an effect on the way we actually feel. So if we think positive thoughts, we are more likely to feel better.

  1. Keep track of gratitude

During a time when it may feel like there’s not much to be grateful for, it’s important to keep track of the blessings that we do have. By keeping track of what we are grateful for, we will be able to see just how much we have in life to be thankful for.

  1. Coloring

Coloring can help reduce stress and anxiety by taking our minds of these stressors. Plus, it can be a lot of fun, and the end result is often satisfying.

  1. Spend time with a loved one (family member, friend, or even pet)

Spending time with those you love can improve self-esteem and make you feel loved and supported. It can also lower stress. And at the same time, you can also provide support to the other person (or pet) as well.

  1. Smile

Often, smiling can help trick the body into feeling happy. Smiling can make you feel better, lower stress, and improve your health.

Overall, our mental health is very important, and there are many things that we can do to improve it. Don’t forget to take the time this month (and always) to boost your mental health. Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!