The Middle Level’s Special Guests — Shadows!


Kyleigh Cook, Staff Writer

It’s a real treat to shadow someone and even to just have a shadow in the classroom. This past Friday I shadowed someone, and I have more shadow dates set up. It was really fun to introduce my school to someone new. The friendliness everyone had toward my shadow was a constant reminder of the NDP spirit everyone loves, and it gave me a new sense of pride in my school. Although introducing myself to shadows and their families was a bit nerve racking, it got easier and easier throughout the morning and gave me great practice for introducing myself and other people. It was all in all a great and super fun experience.
Middle Level shadows stick out in the small class size, which is why Middle Level shadows are a unique and fun surprise. They keep class more exciting, as every girl remembers her shadow day and how she felt, and wants to know how other special guests are feeling. It can also be fun to welcome shadows into the school and show them everything NDP has to offer. When your classes are falling into a routine, it’s interesting to see someone not in a blue and white dress.  Be sure to say hello to a special someone new next time you’re walking down the hallway.