An Unexpected Journey: Junior Retreat 2016

Emily Grasso, Assistant Editor

As we gathered in the cafeteria the morning of Junior Retreat, none of us really knew what we were about to experience. The seniors had only given us vague hints as to what actually went on during the three days of the retreat. When the buses came to whisk us away to separate we realized that we would be alone with our advisories and a special kind of bonding would begin. Maddie Johnston said that, “At retreat, I got to know my advisory so much better, and I have gotten closer with girls I don’t usually hang out with.” In order to preserve the inevitable magic of retreat for upcoming classes, I won’t spoil the conversations but more of the general bonding. Sharing meals was strange as most of us would only ever eat with our own families, so 20 girls was a big change. Sharing bedrooms also promoted a family and sisterhood feeling. Girls who never had siblings got to experience the feeling of having a roommate and someone to wake up and talk to in the middle of the night if they needed to. Quinn Murphy does a wonderful job of summarizing the whole experience of Junior Retreat, “I found Junior Retreat to be extremely enlightening.  I was able to bond with my sisters and learn new and exciting things about each girl in my advisory, 11B.  The retreat was set up in a way where everyone was comfortable sharing.  My advisory grew very close, and we now have many inside jokes together.  I had so much fun on retreat and would definitely do it all again if I had the chance.  I am grateful for the many memories I made.” Without a doubt, if the class of 2018 could experience Junior Retreat again, they would.