Labor Day: America’s Secondary Thanksgiving

These children are enjoying a Labor Day parade to honor all of our American workers.
August 24, 2021
If someone were to ask you what three ideas came to mind when they said, “Labor Day,” what would you think? For almost everyone, the most popular ideas would be, “parades, great deals on almost everything you can buy, and backyard barbecues.” Labor Day is a celebration that takes place every year on the first Monday in September. All schools, most businesses, and some restaurants close for everyone to enjoy a three-day weekend to soak up the last moments of summer. If you think about Labor Day as a federal holiday, it serves as a secondary Thanksgiving. Everyone thanks the workers in the labor force for serving our economy for a brighter tomorrow.
Labor Day was a concept that developed in the late 1800s. The concept originated in multiple states and was observed as a holiday in certain states, but gradually became a nationally recognized holiday on Jun. 28, 1894. Hundreds of years later, Americans still celebrate laborers and workers for their dedication to America’s economy.
In the twenty-first century, Labor Day continues to bring parties, and all kinds of fun, but what was the original purpose of this federal holiday? Labor Day is a celebration of those who work long hours, grind to achieve goals, and contribute to the vast American economy. Over the years, Labor Day has bettered the labor force for future generations to come. Child Labor Laws were abolished, minimum wages improved, the quality of the workplace took a change for the better and improved the standard of living for every American. The real purpose of Labor Day is to thank every employed American worker what they do to improve the lives of their children, and the future generations of Americans to come.
This year’s Labor Day will definitely bring parades, backyard barbeques, and amazing deals. However, let us make sure to thank our workers who build this country’s economy. If you see someone working on Labor Day, make sure to wish them a “Happy Labor Day.” Labor Day is almost like a secondary Thanksgiving because we are thanking every single employee who symbolizes what it truly means to be an American worker.