The ‘Egg’citing Egg Drop

Heather Meeder, Staff Member

The ‘eggcellent’ crowd watches quietly as the apparatus is dropped. The one sound these contestants do not want to hear is a crack or the sound of the fragile white egg to break. Saturday, January 30th was the annual and beloved Egg Drop held at NDP and sponsored by the Science National Honor Society. Teams from all over came to compete for the winning title, and also to win a fabulous prize and partial scholarship to NDP. This was the most successful and jam-packed Egg Drop yet, but thanks to the members of the Science National Honor Society, Officers, and of course, Mr. Peri, it was a huge success.

We were all very nervous with the massive snow storm that had occurred the weekend before, canceling school the entire week that we would not be having the Egg Drop, but with Mr. Peri’s organization and continued encouragement, it ran not only as a major success but on the day scheduled, even when not having school the entire week before.

There was a total of 40+ teams and 150 members of SNHS all in the cafeteria on the morning of the Egg Drop, with smiles on their faces ready to record the data and share their love for science at NDP. The first session for the Egg Drop was the 4th and 5th grade group where they had to make a contraption that held one egg from the height of the cafeteria ceiling. The egg must survive two drops in order for their calculations to be calculated and put into consideration for the prize. SNHS members measured the length and the weight of the apparatus as well as the distance the apparatus fell from the designated target. Along with the actual egg dropping was an engineering challenge that was a factor and determinant of their score. Their engineering challenge was to have the tallest tower in the allotted time period.

The winners of the 4th and 5th grade divisions were St. John’s the Evangelist- The Three Muskateers (3rd), St, Stephen Bradshaw- the Sunny Side Up Girls (2nd) and St. Augustine School- St. Augustine Blue (1st).

The second session was comprised of 7th and 8th graders, and they were competing for the partial scholarship. Their challenge was similar but a little but different, for their contraption had to hold two eggs and neither could break in two trials. Their engineering challenge was a little different, with five cups rather than three, but still had the same amount of stirrers and paperclips as the previous session.

The winners of the second division of 7th and 8th graders were the Harford Day School- Harford Day team #3 (3rd), Sacred Heart of Glyndon- The Marshmallows (2nd), and lastly, St. Augustine School (1st).

Overall, the Egg Drop was ‘eggstraordinary,’ and no one seemed to ‘crack under pressure,’ only smiles on people’s faces. Thanks to all who attended and Mr. Peri and the Science National Honor Society for the huge success. Hope you had an ‘eggceptional’ time, and we look forward to seeing some familiar faces next year!