Middle Level Open House

Middle Level Open House

Kyleigh Cook, Staff Writer

Open House

I walked in and immediately felt the rush of people talking, laughing, and moving around. School was packed with both students and guests. After dashing upstairs to pin on my name tag and sign in, I joined the mob of Middle Level students all waiting to show people around. Even though I had been trained the previous day, I was still a little nervous. What if I messed up what I was supposed to say? What if the family I hosted wasn’t happy with the school? I was anxious too. I enjoy interacting with people, especially if I can promote NDP along the way. After about a half an hour, my partner and I were called over to a desk where we met our family: a mom, dad, and two girls. It was a bit scary that the older daughter was looking at 8th grade, while my guide partner and I were in 6th and 7th grade. The younger daughter was in 3rd grade and a little shy, but she warmed up as the tour continued. We introduced them to Mrs. Eisenhart, and then we were off to the first few classrooms. I enjoyed answering questions, and the tour went smoothly. I learned more and more about my tour family, and the student I was paired with. Before I knew it, the tour was over, and I said goodbye to my tour family and watched them disappear into the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria. I think it would be cool to see if the girls that toured with me came to NDP and to know I made an impact on her decision to come. Open House was a great experience for me, and hopefully, all the families there.