“Doing” Faith


Meghan Winter, Staff Writer

Just over a month into the new school-year, students and faculty alike are learning to build the city of God, inside and outside our school community.  With a new theme for the year, a new series at my parish and a sense of new beginning, I delved into a deep, personal analysis of my faith.  After thinking, speaking to other people, and connecting with God, I realized the main necessity needed to succeed in a life of faith in today’s culture is to not only have faith, but “do” faith.

Wait a minute, what does doing faith even mean?  And does this chick know that’s not a grammatically correct phrase?  To the latter, yes, I am aware that my grammar was sub-par.  But as to the first question, let me explain…

For some of us, we believe going to Church every Sunday or praying once a day is enough to have a successful relationship with God and properly grow in our faith.  Yet, this isn’t the case.  Oftentimes, we take the minimum steps required to be a “good Christian” and stop there.  By scraping by doing the bare minimum, not only do we refrain from growing in our relationship with God and our faith, we halt that growth altogether.  To further our faith, we must do it, and not only talk about it.

For instance, as mentioned earlier, going to Church every weekend and praying daily are amazing steps to furthering our faith!  But it’s not enough.  If we stop there, will we ever truly progress in our own journey?  (Hint: the answer begins with “n” and ends with the letter right after it.)  So, we must make a conscious effort to involve faith in our daily lives while bringing it to our community.  By participating in service or missions, serving in one of your parish’s ministry departments, performing in a local liturgical group, reading a daily devotional, speaking at a youth Christian conference, organizing a charity drive, etc., you are actively involving your faith in your life with both actions and words, not only by word of mouth.

Posting a Facebook status quoting Scripture is great, sure, but is that the only way to share your faith with those around you?  Praying with your family before you start a meal is wonderful, but if not done genuinely, what example does that set for the younger ones near you?  Volunteering at a local soup kitchen can be a great time, yet if only done to complete mandatory service hours, are you truly celebrating those around you?

Taking initiatives to share your faith throughout the community, or, doing your faith truly helps you to grow throughout this lifelong journey.  There is no right or wrong way to do your faith; however, if done with authentic goals and a genuine heart, you are bound to grow closer not only to Him, but to the world around you.