Engineering Gets a Makeover


Kaitlyn Griffin

NDP has gained an addition this year: the new STEAM Center. What is STEAM you ask? STEAM is STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) with art added. And now NDP has a new room dedicated solely to it.

The STEAM Center is a classroom for the Engineering classes. The center is broken up into two sections. One section is set up in a classic, classroom-style layout, and the other section is where tools and such are kept. This section is the area reserved for engineering projects. The center provides plenty of space so that the students can learn in a classroom environment while still having the room they need to work on their various projects throughout the year. The center is equipped with power tools, saws, and plenty of outlets so that the Engineering students can work on any building projects that they have. The center is also home to the school’s two 3D printers. Sometimes when you walk by the center (which has multiple glass windows so that you can see inside) when the lights are off and one of the printers is on, you can see it glowing blue. The center is also designed for maximum future flexibility. With the help of an architect, the room was designed so that it can handle any future technology that may arise. This keeps the center from becoming stagnant and outdated in a couple of years.

The new STEAM center has resulted in the relocation of the Engineering classes. Prior to this school year, the Engineering classes were held in a classroom in the math and science wing of the school. This location had some downsides. One con was that there was not enough room to carry out any projects that came up throughout the year. There were many issues with getting sawdust all over the room, which was also used as a math classroom.  Another con was that when the Engineering classes were working on building projects, the noise from the power tools disrupted the nearby classes. The new location also provides closer access to the auditorium where the plays and musicals are held. Oftentimes the Engineering class is employed by the Drama Department to help build some part of the set. Since the center is much closer to the auditorium, this helps in building the set pieces and getting them to the auditorium, resulting in less class time lost traveling to and from the auditorium.

The center was largely funded by a grant from the Knott Foundation. The grant covered a large portion of the cost of the center and even more money was saved by building the STEAM center in the old maintenance center. At the moment, the school is raising money for furniture and new equipment.

The STEAM Center is a very exciting addition to the school and will go a long way in enhancing the science, and especially engineering, curriculum of the school. It helps to provide hands-on learning for the students and lets them experience Engineering, not only at the drawing board, but also at the tool bench. Don’t forget to take a stroll down by the STEAM Center and see it for yourself!