Preserving the environment is vital and everyone must play their part. Here are a few tips that you can use at home to limit your carbon footprint:
- Compost – Composting is an easy and maintainable way to limit food waste that ends up in landfills. There are affordable compost bins that you can put in your backyard (or you can construct one of your own). A pricier version is an automatic compost machine (electric composters) that stay in your kitchen and convert food waste to fertilizer.
- Limiting the use of vehicles – Vehicles are essential to our everyday lives and manage to get us from point A to point B in a safe manner. However, vehicle emissions can be harmful to the environment. Which is why, if you are able, walking/biking to various places in your area can greatly reduce your carbon footprint.
- Home gardening – Whether you have acres of land or a small patio, home gardening is attainable and ecofriendly for everyone. Gardening at home limits pesticides in the earth and is better for your overall health. You can grow herbs or small vegetable plants; the options are limitless.
- Reusable items – Another environmental preservation tip that is easy and ultimately cost effective is the use of reusable items. Instead of wasting money on endless Ziploc baggies or aluminum foil, invest in silicon bags and beeswax wraps to store and package food. Other items that can be used to replace plastic are cloth grocery bags and metal water bottles.
- Preserving water – We use a ton of water throughout the day to wash items, to wash ourselves, and to nourish our bodies. Limiting our water usage is an effective and easy way to help the environment. Only washing laundry or dishes if it is a full load and making sure to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth are just a couple of ways to easily save water.
- Preserving energy – Water is not the only thing that we should consciously be preserving. Artificial light uses a lot of energy, and sometimes we waste it. Using natural light from windows is super easy and an effective way to limit energy usage. You can also save energy by turning off all lights when exiting a room.
Consciously helping limit your waste and resource usage will greatly reduce your overall carbon footprint. If we want to maintain our earth, we need to care for creation. By following these tips, you can do your part in saving the environment!