Coffee House Blues

Coffee House Blues

Haley Dick, Staff Writer

Encouraging people to share their talents and rooted in service, NDP welcomed both girls and boys to audition for the 2015 Coffee House. The event was organized and run by the NDP girls in the El Salvador Delegation, who were raising money for the people of El Salvador who they were going to visit on their service trips in the spring. The delegation planned a number of fun activities for the night in addition to the performances of those who were willing to share their talents to support an amazing cause.

The most inspiring part of Coffee House, was the number of girls who were willing to share their passion and talents with the community. Emma Blanchard ’16 said, “The amount of talent that the NDP girls presented astounded me. There were many girls that I would never have expected to be such talented singers because they were never open about their talents before.” Not only did a group of seniors sing a tribute to honor their dear friend Claire Wagonhurst, but the El Salvador Delegation sang a traditional El Salvador song and placed photos of the inhabitants of El Salvador throughout the cafeteria to give everyone a sense of the culture of the people that they were aiding. The event was a tremendous success, raising more than enough money to help provide aid and supplies to the people of El Salvador.